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New Feature: Required Distribution Report

This article describes the Required Distributions Report

Nancy Gates avatar
Written by Nancy Gates
Updated over 3 months ago

What are Required Distributions?

Required distributions are withdrawals mandated by the Internal Revenue Service. You must take Required distributions from pre-tax IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans and both pre-tax and Roth Inherited IRAs in order to comply with IRS regulations and avoid penalties.

What are the different types of required distributions?


RMDs are annual distributions based on your account balance at the end of the previous year and, generally, the life expectancy factor provided by the IRS in the Uniform Lifetime Table. Your RMD varies year by year based on those two factors.

10 Year Distributions

10-year distributions are lump sum distributions which fulfill the requirement to completely empty certain Inherited IRA accounts by the end of the 10th year after the original owner's death. For example, if the original owner died in 2024, the account must be completely empty by 12/31/2034.

Learn more as Boldin product designer Erin Kim describes the new enhancement in the video below.

What are the Required Distribution requirements for pre-tax IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans?

You are required to take RMDs from pre taxIRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans from your Required Beginning Date (RBD) until your longevity age. Depending on your birth date, the Required Beginning Date (RBD) for pre-tax IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans is as follows:

If you are born:

  • Before 1/1/1951, your RMDs have already begun

  • Between 1/1/1951 and 12/31/1959 your RMDs must start at age 73

  • After 1/1/1960 your RMDs will begin at age 75

What Required Distribution requirements for Inherited IRA accounts does Boldin model?

Inherited IRA required distribution requirements vary depending upon the beneficiary. Boldin will automatically calculate your required distribution requirements for Inherited IRAs if you are a non spouse Designated Beneficiary. Please see the Help Center for more information regarding spouse beneficiaries, eligible designated beneficiaries and Inherited IRA distributions.

  • If you are the designated beneficiary of an Inherited IRA and the original owner passed away prior to January 1, 2020, you must distribute your Inherited IRA over your lifetime.

  • If you are the Designated Beneficiary of an Inherited IRA and the original owner passed away on or after January 1, 2020 you must distribute your Inherited IRA by the end of the 10th year after the original owner's death. For example, if the original owner died in 2024, the account must be completely empty by 12/31/2034. In addition, if the original account owner had started taking required minimum distributions, you will also need to take RMDs each year during the 10-year distribution period.

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