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Learn More About Boldin's Unique Features

Learn More About Our Features

Nancy Gates avatar
Written by Nancy Gates
Updated over 3 weeks ago

This article provides an overview of Planner features.

Boldin is a financial planning platform designed to support you on your financial journey. Whether you’re working on paying off debt, buying a home, saving for that dream vacation, or planning your ideal retirement — we want you to know we can help. Our platform can help you manage your financial future and make better decisions in order to focus on the things that are most important to you and your family.

If you're wondering what features are available in the Planner, please refer to this chart. If you would like to know what features are available to free subscribers and which features are available to PlannerPlus subscribers, please refer to our pricing page.



Ease of Use
With Boldin you’ll complete a simple onboarding process and create your baseline plan. You have the ability to return at any time to make updates, add new information, and project future changes in order to evaluate their impact on your plan and make the best financial decisions for you and your family.

Boldin allows users to view their plan through optimistic, average, or pessimistic assumptions for rates and growth. This unique feature supports planning for unknowns such as increased inflation or a reduction in Social Security benefits.

Financial Wellness
Financial Wellness Score based upon over 20 key metrics
Get answers to your most important planning questions, such as:
What’s my savings rate?
How am I doing against my retirement savings contribution limit?
What’s my projected Retirement withdrawal rate, and more.

Unique “Must Spend/Like to Spend” budget feature
Helps users understand the relationship between fixed expenses and guaranteed income in retirement and ensure that they take advantage of their savings to create the retirement lifestyle they desire.

Digital Coach
Boldin’s digital coach is constantly reviewing your plan and providing hints, nudges, and suggestions intended to ensure your plan is accurate, keep you on track, and inform you or potential opportunities.


The Boldin Roth Conversion Explorer supports you in modeling Roth Conversion plans using 4 different strategies allowing you to explore maximizing your estate value, minimizing lifetime taxes, or converting to income tax or IRMAA thresholds.

Create up to 10 scenarios
Compare optimistic, average, and pessimistic forecasts for each scenario
Compare up to 3 scenarios side by side

Boldin’s Social Security Explorer empowers you to determine an optimal Social Security claiming strategy for yourself or yourself and a married partner, accounting for spousal and survivor benefits in the most common use cases.

Boldin allows you to either; base your plan withdrawals upon spending needs, assess your plan with Fixed Percent withdrawals, or evaluate your maximum spending. In addition to these withdrawal strategies, Boldin allows users to view their plan with a traditional withdrawal order, prioritizing after-tax accounts prior to pre-tax Accounts, Roth, and HSA. Or, users may take advantage of the customized withdrawal order feature and select the order in which their accounts will be utilized to fund expenses. Within the next year Boldin plans to add start and stop dates to the withdrawal order feature and enable proportional withdrawals to employ more than one account or account type at one time.


Accounts and Assets
​Boldin's 15 account types allow users to account for the most common types of retirement and after-tax accounts
Pre-tax and Roth 401k, 403(b), and 457(b)
Pre-tax and Roth Individual IRAs
HSA accounts
529 Accounts
Inherited IRA accounts (pre and post Secure Act Traditional and Roth Inherited IRAs)
After-tax accounts (checking/savings, CD, money market, or brokerage)
Boldin’s projection engine computes your required distributions for retirement and Inherited IRA accounts as per IRS regulations.
Growth on Accounts
Boldin sets a default conservative 3.5% rate of return on all accounts and allows users to set nominal rates of return between 0% and 15%.
Asset Allocation
In the next year Boldin plans to develop an asset allocation feature intended to support users in understanding the relationship between the assets they hold in each account and accurately projecting the growth of their accounts.

Employee contributions
Employer matches
Non elective contributions
Savings contributions to HSA accounts, 529 accounts, and after-tax accounts

3 budgeters allow you to project your expenses as high level or detailed as you would like
Unique “Must Spend/Like to Spend” feature
Wide variety of budget categories
One-time expenses
Deductible expenses Healthcare expenses prior to retirement
Medicare Part B and D premiums
Long-term care expenses

Work income allows for multiple income streams and time phases
Social Security
Pensions (Monthly, lump sum, and cash balance)
Passive income

Real Estate
Primary residence; own, own with mortgage, rent, reverse mortgage
Relocate or downsize
Change in state tax upon relocation
Purchase and sale of unlimited properties
Capital gains taxes on property sales are manual

Federal income tax
State income tax
Capital gains tax
Tax on Social Security benefits

Retirement Income Planning
Social Security
3 types of pensions
Current and future annuities
Required Minimum Distributions
Investment income (interest and dividends)
Within the next year Boldin plans to allow users to select to fund expenses with investment income (interest and dividends)
Within the next year Boldin plans to release a “Retirement Paycheck Explorer” designed to support users in managing their retirement transition

Net Worth Statement
Projected Net Worth
Lifetime Cash Flow
IRMAA Report
Timeline of Milestones
Retirement Withdrawal
Required Distribution

Projected Income
Projected Expenses
Projected Savings
Projected tax liability, gross taxable income by source, tax deductions, and net taxable income at the state and federal levels.

Free daily live events and classes
On-demand classes
Private Facebook group
Organic user groups who meet on a regular basis to review one another’s plans, discuss financial planning topics, and learn together

Robust Help Center
3 customer service representatives available via the messenger during regular business hours
Affordable coaching sessions with one of 5 coaches, experts in the software and the financial wellness domain
Option to upgrade to advice from fee-only CFP® professional with Boldin Advisors


The Boldin Planner is a long term projection tool designed to support individuals in building a financial plan no matter what stage of life they are in. Bear in mind that it is not tax software, a budgeting app, an asset allocation, or cash management tool.

The Boldin Planner is based on US tax law and models retirement income such as Social Security and Required Minimum Distributions as per IRS regulations.

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