1. You can model budgets for different phases of your life
Enter a budget for time periods such as pre-retirement, early retirement, and late retirement.
2. You can model different ages for claiming Social Security
See how your benefit amount and cash flow changes when you (or your spouse) delay the start of Social Security or file early by using either My Plan > Income > Social Security or the Social Security Explorer (shown below).
3. You can model withdrawal strategies
You can model 3 different withdrawal strategies. See how your plan changes when you select the maximum you can spend, not running out of money and using a fixed percentage withdrawal each year.
4. You can model the cash flow for a future annuity purchase
Analyze the tradeoffs of purchasing an immediate or deferred annuity. See how the cash flow projections change when you delay the start of the annuity, add the cost of living adjustments, and add survivor benefits.
5. You can model the cost of different medicare plans
Explore how the type of Medicare coverage you select will impact your cash flow and lifetime medical spending.