You now have the ability to customize the order of your retirement withdrawals in Planner Plus.
Customize your withdrawals per account based on when you expect make withdrawals and better manage your tax brackets in retirement.
Withdrawal Order is scenario-specific and individual scenarios can have different orders or can have traditional order. A traditional withdrawal order is a sequence of withdrawals that prioritizes withdrawing from after-tax accounts first.
Our traditional withdrawal order satisfies all Required Minimum Distributions.
Our planner forecasts withdrawals in the following order:
After-tax accounts
Reverse mortgage equity
Pre-tax accounts
Roth accounts
Health savings accounts
NOTE: The Planner allows withdrawals prior to age 59.5, and does not apply a penalty.
How to use the Customized Withdrawal Order feature
Head to My Plan > Money Flows
Navigate to the section labeled Withdrawal Order
Choose Customized tab
Press β (pencil) to edit
Drag and drop the accounts to reorder your accounts and hit "Save"
You can immediately see changes to your out of savings age, estate value and lifetime taxes. And, assess charts showing withdrawals by type and account.
Toggle back to the Traditional account order whenever you want