Are you wondering how taxes are handled in PlannerPlus? Keep reading to learn more...
The Boldin Planner computes your taxes based upon sources of income such as work, passive income, Social Security, and pensions as well as withdrawals from savings and investment accounts.
The Planner estimates your federal and state income tax, FICA, and Capital Gains taxes annually. You can view the annual tax liability estimate in the Insights > Tax > Estimated Taxes Chart.
The planner also makes estimated tax expense payments and tax expenses are paid in the same manner as all expenses - from available income and then shortfall withdrawals as necessary.
You can view the annual tax payments in the Insights > Income and Expenses > Estimated Expenses Chart.
Boldin utilizes proprietary methods to reasonably estimate taxes and therefore tax estimates should only be considered directional. As needed, consult a tax professional for more precise tax estimate, payment, and filing requirements if you want more precise values.