You have the ability to enter monthly and lump sum pensions in My Plan.
Monthly Pensions
STEP 1: Head on over to My Plan > Income and select Add a Pension +
STEP 2: Select the user who will receive the pension
STEP 3: Select Monthly
STEP 4: Tell us whether you are already receiving the pension
STEP 5: Enter a descriptive name for the pension
STEP 6: Enter the monthly pre-tax income
STEP 7: Select the start and end ages (as applicable)
STEP 8: Select the COLA (if applicable)
STEP 9: Select the tax treatment
STEP 10: Select the survivor benefit (if applicable)
STEP 11: Save
Lump Sum Pensions
STEP 1: Head on over to My Plan > Income and select Add a Pension +
STEP 2: Select the user who will receive the pension
STEP 3: Select Lump Sum
STEP 4: Enter a descriptive name for the pension
STEP 5: Enter the payment amount of the lump sum in future dollars
STEP 6: Select the payment age
STEP 7: Select the account where you expect to deposit the pension
STEP 8: Select the tax treatment
STEP 9: Save